Reading Log: One Way

Reading Log: One Way

Not what I was expecting.

It took me a couple of gos to get stuck in to this. I’m not a voracious reader, and it often takes time for me to get into a book, let alone start one properly. I think maybe I was trying to read it while I was too tired.

Once I got over the hurdle of the first few steps, though, I was hooked and i managed to read this surprisingly quickly.

The book follows Frank as he travels to Mars to establish the first structures there in preparation for the first fleet of the ‘real’ settlers. Things, of course, don’t go according to plan. There weren’t any really surprising plot-twists or turns, and I could have handled some Neal Stephenson-esque deep dives into some of the science around the space suits or habs or something, but it doesn’t happen. There are hints of it, and they were enjoyable, but I would have liked more.

Actually. There was a surprising plot-twist, right at the end. It turns out there’s a sequel. I’m on to that next.

Reading Log – 3 Body Problem

Reading Log – 3 Body Problem

Everyone* had told me I had to read 3 Body Problem, but I never got around to it. When I saw that there was a TV adaptation of it, I thought it was best that I read the book before watching the TV series. In hindsight, I probably didn’t need to. They two are pretty significantly different, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the TV adaptation covers the remaining two books in the trilogy that I am yet to read.

From now on, in this post: book only.

The book grabbed me pretty quickly when numbers start appearing on photo negatives. That was exciting. Unfortunately, the excitement peaked right there in chapter 2. It didn’t go away, don’t get me wrong. But the excitement simmered rather than boiled from there on.

The descriptions are vivid, and the story really got into my head.

I will read the remaining two novels.

Reading Log – Artemis

Reading Log – Artemis

I had high hopes for this novel when I started reading it, after having read The Martian and Project Hail Mary. But this isn’t a man-is-stuck-in-space-alone-and-needs-to-go-into-details-about-niche-science-knowledge themed book, so it feels outside of Weir’s really strong toolkit.

I enjoyed the mystery side of things, and the inevitable Weir-esque delves into the science of various processes. It’s like reading Neal Stephenson without the huge slowdown as the novel descends into treacly textbook-style explanations of the physics behind things.

All in all a decent novel that kept me mostly entertained.

3 stars, probably.

Reading Log – Project Hail Mary

Reading Log – Project Hail Mary

My lovely friend Nick recommended this Andy Weir novel to me. I’d read The Martian previously, so jumped PHM immediately. I was in the depths of being frustrated with Shantaram at the time, so jumping onto something fun and interesting was an easy decision to make.

I loved the premise of the book, and the unlikely-hero trope. I found Grace frustrating as a character, but I get the feeling that I was meant to.

I enjoyed the thought that Weir put into the alien non-humanoid design and language, and their scientific limitations.

Largely an enjoyable book, and I look forward to the film.

Reading Log – Foundation

Reading Log – Foundation

This is going to look like it’s a New Year’s Resolution thing, but it isn’t.

I’m currently reading Foundation, by Isaac Asimov.

I was lead to it, maybe embarrassingly, by a mention in the previous novel I read: The One Impossible Labyrinth by Matthew Reilly. Would I recommend the Jack West Junior series of books? No. Are they good? No. Are they enjoyable in the same way as The Expendables series of movies are? Yes. They’re ridiculous, have illustrations to help visualise the ridiculously over the top scenarios, and just never stop.

Foundation was published in 1951, and is the fourth book in the series, with three prequels written much later. Much like Star Wars. It’s set many thousands of years into the future, and, if I’ve understood it correctly, is about the prediction of the fall of the Galactic Empire by a mathematician, and his plan to prevent a 30,000 year dark age. We’ll see.

Foundation (Foundation, #1) by Isaac Asimov