Frank’s back. I guess in many ways he never left. This is the continuation of One Way by Simon Morden.

It’s going to be hard to talk about this book with out spoiling things about One Way. So if you’ve not read One Way, and plan to, you might want to turn away now. Come back once you’ve read it and let me know if you agree with me.

Spoilers below.

You’ve been warned.

I was surprised when Frank was left on Mars in the last book. But I probably shouldn’t have been – it was ripe for a sequel (or more) with the imminent arrival of the NASA crew and all the excitement around that.

The detailed writing style of this novel makes you feel like you’re on Mars with Frank. The fear. The focus. The relief.

I don’t think any of the twists or shocks in No Way surprised me – not like in One Way. It was quite predictable. That said, it was a very enjoyable read.

The final chapter was a doozy for me. Hit me right in the feels.

Let me know what you thought of it.