Migrating Ghost
I found the instructions on how to migrate self-hosted Ghost from one host to another quite lacking. It took a lot of tinkering to get it to work properly.
Ubuntu Tidyverse Packages
Mostly a note-to-self. After you've installed r-base on Ubuntu with the default packages, you will have issues installing Tidyverse. It's because there are a bunch of packages missing. Install them with: sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev libtiff5-dev...
Rocket.Chat – Wrong URI in emails
I recently spun up a Rocket.Chat server using Linode/Akamai's pre-rolled scripts, and it mostly worked well. The main issue being that the URI included in all the emails was stuck as the host name of the server rather than the site-url as set in the settings. The fix...
Password Enterer
We're all told to have strong passwords for everything. Long, good, complicated passwords with symbols, numbers, capital letters. Passwords that are a pain to enter without a passwords manager, in essence. Because password managers exist, that's all good for nearly...
Self-hosted Evernote Alternative
I think I installed ownCloud in 2014 when v6 was the latest. It's not perfect, but considering I have access to a virtual machine host for no cost, it's pretty good value, and I'm willing to overlook the small issues I have with it. I used Evernote for a while, and...
Switching Software
Microsoft Word. Adobe Photoshop. Whatsapp. Some software is so ubiquitous that you don't even think that an alternative might be a good idea, or even exist. But often they do exist, and you should consider switching. Why do I think you should switch? The two biggest...